Foundation "Raya Georgieva"....It sounds strange and I still can`t believe...Half of the year i lived without her joyful voice....and I work sadly under her archive- poetry, writing, drawings, models, photographies, some albums, postcards etc...One day from one of the notebooks fall down a small paper written by her speady hand. I read next words : " ... Adequate of the time the present artist must possess the will to change, the wisdom to accept frustration and the strength to be himself. He have to be independent by economic, political or social contradictions and limits - he must be a mediator between nations, generations and ages"....I get decision to take this word in base of the foundation in her name. She had a dreams to be in help to young artists,to give them opportunies for realisation of theirs projects...She had plans for this work after the time when she will has more money, time, possibilities.....She wanted to give,to share...She had dreams for workshops and sympoiums...but God taken her in other side...now I feel duty to give life to her dreams. She had idea for contemporary art event only for young artists in few days. WE call it con.tempo. Foundation "Raya Georgieva" organized the weekend for contemporary art in Varna in 23-25 october. It started with exhibition by Raya - "White" - hand made paper and stone sculpture. Co-parners for the con.tempo were Association for culture managment "Sea Blue", Bulart gallery and
Boryana Todorova /culture journalis/.
I`m happy when one of her dreams goes to reality.She is alive with her messages and her spirit in her works....
Dora Doncheva,curator